Currently scheduled classes can be found on the Calendar. If you would like to set up a private class please send a note to Kim here.

Home Crafted Beauty Products



In this class you will receive hands-on experience making your own beauty products. No harsh chemicals, no pore clogging minerals. You will be making your beauty products with ingredients that are safe enough to eat (would you eat your current face wash or eyeliner?). These products will nourish your skin and promote detoxification.

You will make and bring home with you one of each (recipes and suggested reading included): Tooth Powder, Face/Hair Powder,  Face Oil (for the Oil Cleansing Method), Activated Charcoal Liquid Eyeliner.

Continuous Brew Kombucha

continuous brew kombucha

Learn how to set your self up with an ongoing supply of kombucha with minimal weekly upkeep. You will take away a recipe to make your own kombucha, how to do secondary fermentation as well as a small jar of kombucha to bring home and watch your very own SCOBY grow (you will even be able to tell all your friends what a SCOBY is after this class. 



Ditch the probiotic capsules and learn to make this traditionally fermented kraut. You will get hands on experience at crushing cabbage and seasoning the kraut to your liking. Leave with a jar of your very own sauerkraut to ferment until it is the perfect tartness. 


Fermented Beverages

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Water kefir, Kombucha, milk or coconut kefir. Some of the easiest ways to get more healthy bacteria in your diet! Healthy home-made "sodas" are delicious, fun to make and kids love them. I will walk you through the process of keeping your grains and SCOBYs well fed, how to do a second fermentation and you will leave with your very own grains and starters!

Bone Broth

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Bone Broth is one of the most nourishing things you can add to your diet and so simple to make. This class is a demonstration of how to prepare bone broth, an overview of its benefits, tips and tricks,  as well as a tasting. Who knows, after this class you might be reaching for a mug of bone broth instead of coffee first thing in the morning...maybe